m o o s e b u t t e r

moosebutter news and musings

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Weston Weston - Wed, 10 Sep 2003 11:48 am

Niece and nephew

I babysat my niece and nephew yesterday. A 5-year old named Abbey and a 3-year old named Aiden. Loads of fun. Luckily, I didn't have to change a diaper because I literally GAG when I have to change a diaper. I know that all this babysitting will pay off someday. I will have a wife and children someday. For now, I'll take pictures of my ex-girlfriends and my pet goldfish named "Honda" and "Squido".

Favorite food-o'-the-day: Macey's fresh salsa (some lady in the back slaves over it)

Restaurant: Vecchia Roma on about 65 N. University Ave. in Provo
--Two Italian men own, run, and cook for the restaurant. They make their own pasta there about every day. It's amazing! They have gnocchi (potato pasta) which I would give my left knuckles for. They throw out the sauces at the end of every day. It's real and I PROMISE you won't find any better Italian around. It's as real as my nosehair trimmer. Plus, they have amateur karaoke. Squirrels have sleepovers there.

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