m o o s e b u t t e r

moosebutter news and musings

Tim Tim - Mon, 21 Sep 2009 1:12 am

NBC's The Sing Off!

moosebutter auditioned for NBC's a cappella competition show, The Sing Off, this past Saturday September 19th in Los Angeles. Fun! Also, singing.

The Las Vegas cast did the audition (Tim, Cole, Richard, Bryce). We sang Witch Doctor and Psycho: The Musical. The judges/producers (not the big names who will eventually be judging the whole show, but the preliminary audition people) seemed to really dig it.

Good trip! Good times!

Tim Tim - Wed, 9 Sep 2009 2:52 pm

Article about 'Star Wars' n stuff

Voice Council, an international online journal, has published an article and interview with Mister Tim about Star Wars and other such stuff.

Check out the rest of the site, too: http://www.voicecouncil.com - lots of great stuff there for singers!

Glen Glen - Fri, 4 Sep 2009 12:00 pm

Sort-of-new song!

New to you, anyhow:
The Ballad of Mr. T
My old a cappella group, Norm, recorded this way back in 1997. Now you too can enjoy my ranting from years ago.

Tim Tim - Thu, 30 Jul 2009 5:23 am

What happened on America's Got Talent?

glad you asked!

Details here:


You can also read part one and part two, both written while the non-disclosure contract was still in place.

Tim Tim - Fri, 10 Jul 2009 9:40 pm

Feedback! We wants it!

Please sign the guestbook; also, check out and leave comments on all the moosebutter videos you can find on youtube! Yesses and stuff!
